High school is different from the outside world, and the mentality here is different. Seducing a lady from high school might take less effort since various available leverages exist. However, when it comes to seducing women outside high school, you need the extra effort to succeed. The concept of seduction is an art; for you to be good at it, you must be as patient as possible. Knowing that women are different and that it took you a few months to land a woman doesn’t mean it will continue this way. Patience is a virtue, and you need to have more of it when it comes to seduction. More than just being patient, you need some more tips if you want to understand how to seduce a woman with little or no stress. Here are some of the few tips you need to have in your arsenal to get this done successfully
· Locate the perfect balance:
You must locate the perfect balance before you can successfully seduce a woman. But, what does it mean to find the perfect balance? The perfect balance here means setting the right conversation, getting your intelligence calculated, your confidence, and your compliments. So, it is important that for you to successfully seduce a lady or learn how to seduce a woman, you must find the perfect balance for everything. While you compliment her, don’t forget to remain confident and while being confident, always engage her in the right conversations.
· Focus on winning her mind:
Before anything, ensure you have the right inspiration. Don’t go on seducing a woman just for her body. If you seduce her with this in mind, the probability of success is zero to none. Instead, focus on winning her mind; her body will be yours. When you can tell what she’s thinking or wants before she mentions it, you are one step away from winning her over!
· Do not be in haste:
As mentioned earlier, the art of seduction comes with lots of patience. So, take things slow. Don’t rush things. Give her time to think things through, give breathing space, and allow her to take her time before making any decision. Respecting her time and opinion is one of the core virtues you must pick if you want to master the art of seduction.
· Maintain eye contact:
When you flirt, maintaining eye contact helps to establish dominance. This has proven to be one of the most effective means of seducing a woman. However, it is worth noting that eye contact doesn’t mean you make her uncomfortable. You must know when to draw the curtain and strike a balance. The eye is believed to be the only part of the sense organs that don’t lie; you should put it to the test.
· Dress well:
Having a great dress sense could also be one of the arms you should have in your arsenal. Knowing how to dress and what to wear according to themes and occasions could be your deal-maker. So, if you plan on learning to seduce a woman successfully, you must first be willing to work on your dress sense.
· Hold intelligent conversations:
Being able to sustain reasonable conversations has become a popular kink. No one wants to associate with a stupid individual in this world and time. After a few nights, all she could say about you was, “he’s so intelligent…argh”. Once you can get her to say this to her friend about you, you are a few inches away from winning her completely.
· Stay simple and mysterious:
Leave the big grammar and the ambiguity behind; you don’t need much of those in seduction. You don’t need to begin with vague words to win a woman over. Be as simple as possible and don’t go on talking and talking without allowing her to talk, hence being mysterious. Being mysterious means that you know what to say per time, such that when you stop talking, she still wants you to keep talking. Keep her interested and engaged.
· Do not exaggerate:
It’s easy to exaggerate when you over-talk or become loquacious around the one you want to seduce. Seduction is not talking too much; it knows the right time to talk and say the right words. You know when to pursue, and you don’t say vague words. If you have travelled worldwide, don’t say you have to win her over, she might even enjoy traveling! So, be calm, cool, and collected!
· Be patient:
As said earlier, if you want to be successful at seduction, you must be patient. Don’t be too anxious about what is to come. Just wait for it instead.