Step 1 : Introduction to the question “What did baseball legend Babe Ruth keep on his head, under his baseball cap?“
…Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his baseball cap to help keep him cool. Professional baseball uniforms were made of wool until the 1940s, rendering most players a sweaty mess during the midsummer months. As such, the Babe introduced to his teammates an unusual technique for keeping cool: He pried the leaves off a head of cabbage and spread them over the ice in a cooler. When they were sufficiently chilled, a leaf under the cap would supply much-needed relief for a few innings before needing to be replaced. A large man with an extra-large noggin, the Babe was said to require two leaves for the method to be fully effective.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “What did baseball legend Babe Ruth keep on his head, under his baseball cap?“
Cabbage leaf:
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