Step 1 : Introduction to the question “In which European country can you find this fortress?“
…1. Italy 2. Czechia 3. Spain 4. Portugal
Step 2 : Answer to the question “In which European country can you find this fortress?“
Italy – You can’t take a step in Italy without crossing paths with an extraordinary architectural gem, and the fortress of Rocchetta Mattei is just another ruby in the treasure chest. Overlooking the village of Riola di Vergato from a hilltop in the Bolognese Apennines mountains, the Rocchetta (which means “small fortress”) combines elements of Norman, Arab, and Gothic-style architecture. The inventor of electro-homeopathy, Count Cesare Mattei, commissioned the building in the 19th century. He practiced his now-defunct pseudoscience in the Rocchetta Mattei on czars and kings. The choice of location was not an accident, as Mattei believed a secluded spot in nature worked best with the electromagnetic field used in his treatment. The building’s design included minarets and domes inspired by Middle Eastern architecture, alongside a vaulted staircase and a replica of the Alhambra courtyard in Spain.:
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