Step 1 : Introduction to the question “In which film did Al Pacino repeatedly shout “Hoo ah!”?“
Hoo-ah! That’s the all-purpose exclamation and declaration of pride that started in the United States Army but later spread to the Air Force and Navy. In 1992, it became the famous catchphrase of retired Army Lt. Col. Frank Slade, the blind, alcoholic, officer portrayed by Al Pacino in “Scent of a Woman.” Al Pacino says “Hoo-ah” or a variation of it exactly ten times throughout the movie. Pacino won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance and the film was nominated for Best Director, Best Picture and Best Screenplay. Hoo-ah!
Step 2 : Answer to the question “In which film did Al Pacino repeatedly shout “Hoo ah!”?“
Scent of a Woman:
Hoo-ah! That’s the all-purpose exclamation and declaration of pride that started in the United States Army but later spread to the Air Force and Navy. In 1992, it became the famous catchphrase of retired Army Lt. Col. Frank Slade, the blind, alcoholic, officer portrayed by Al Pacino in “Scent of a Woman.” Al Pacino says “Hoo-ah” or a variation of it exactly ten times throughout the movie. Pacino won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance and the film was nominated for Best Director, Best Picture and Best Screenplay. Hoo-ah!
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