There’s always one friend in the group that has the darkest sense of humor, such as my mate nicknamed Fatlad. They can tell some great jokes but at the same time you never know when they’re going to go too far, but that’s half the fun of it anyway.
We’re knee-deep in memes about the pandemic, quarantine, and almost certain global financial disaster so why not indulge in some more messed up humor to tickle the twisted side of our nature?
We’ve got some classic dark humor memes for your perusal, just let us know whether these are too tame for your taste.
Have you heard this one before?
Ah yes, jokes about deceased infants. Ain’t they swell?
Just getting some air
This one hits a little differently during a pandemic.
For the dogs
Well, that just means you’ve got your priorities straight.
Harsh truths
Listen kid, we’ve been through this before, don’t ask a question if you don’t want to know the answer.
Labels always lie
Yeah, we just couldn’t think of a hand-related pun worthy of this meme.
Lava wasn’t bad enough
And we’ve only scratched the surface!
It’s the truth
And they’re unlikely to get some anytime soon.
Breaking the news
Write it on cake, at least he can cry while he’s eating it.
The more you know
A more apt description was never spoken.