Step 1 : Introduction to the question “The original inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?“
…When Bob Kane drew his first concept of Batman, it was very different from what we think of Batman today. In his original sketch, Batman wore red tights and a domino mask that didn’t hide his blonde (yes, blonde) hair. Instead of a cape, Kane designed Batman with two wings on his back that always stayed up. Kane claimed the design was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci’s diagram of the ornithopter, a flying machine with huge bat-like wings. Leonardo Da Vinci’s ornithopter designs were inspired by his study of birds, and conceived the use of the bat-like wings to generate thrust to provide a motion necessary for aerodynamic lift.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “The original inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?“
Leonardo da Vinci:
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