Step 1 : Introduction to the question “What place is nicknamed “the City of Sails”?“
…1. Auckland, New Zealand 2. Honolulu, Hawaii 3. Hamilton, Bermuda 4. Phuket, Thailand
Step 2 : Answer to the question “What place is nicknamed “the City of Sails”?“
Auckland, New Zealand – New Zealand is home to over 10,000 miles of coastline and 500,000 sailboats and yachts, so it’s only fitting the island nation’s largest city is known as the “City of Sails.” Visitors to Auckland will find the city’s twin harbors, Manukau and Waitemata, are regularly dotted with the sails of hundreds of boats and yachts. Unsurprisingly, New Zealand fields an excellent national sailing team, which has won virtually every major international regatta, including the America’s Cup three times. Experts and amateurs alike take to the waters both in Auckland and New Zealand overall: An estimated 300,000 people belong to the 120 sailing clubs throughout the country, which is quite a considerable number in a country of only 4.3 million people.:
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