Step 1 : Introduction to the question “What was the first country to officially institute Daylight Saving Time?“
Germany became the first country to introduce DST when clocks were turned ahead 1 hour on April 30, 1916. The rationale was to minimize the use of artificial lighting in order to save fuel for the war effort during World War I. The idea was quickly followed by the United Kingdom three weeks later. In the US, it was first introduced in 1918 when President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law to support the war effort during World War I. Daylight Saving Time is now in use in over 70 countries worldwide and affects over a billion people every year.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “What was the first country to officially institute Daylight Saving Time?“
Germany became the first country to introduce DST when clocks were turned ahead 1 hour on April 30, 1916. The rationale was to minimize the use of artificial lighting in order to save fuel for the war effort during World War I. The idea was quickly followed by the United Kingdom three weeks later. In the US, it was first introduced in 1918 when President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law to support the war effort during World War I. Daylight Saving Time is now in use in over 70 countries worldwide and affects over a billion people every year.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question “What was the first country to officially institute Daylight Saving Time?“
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