You may have recently gotten pregnant, and you’re looking ahead at the next nine months thinking, “how in the world am I going to dress for this?” Many women experience a range of emotions when it comes to creating their nine-month wardrobe capsule. For some, they are elated and can’t get their hands on fun maternity pieces fast enough. For others, the thought of having to change their style in order to accommodate their growing body is daunting and discouraging. Regardless of what side of the camp you fall under, all pregnant women can agree that this time is one of extreme change. It’s normal to not feel at home in your body as it grows and expands and takes on new life. Whether you’re a maximalist and buy a whole new wardrobe or you’re a minimalist and may only buy one quality maternity piece your entire pregnancy, it’s important to hold space and grace for yourself and to take inventory of how you can feel your best. For some, that means buying a lot of new pieces that give their new body shape and that feel flattering. For others, that means maintaining as close to their original style as before they were pregnant in order to feel their best and like themself. There is no right or wrong answer. All we can say is how and when you do choose to buy maternity clothes, makes sure it includes some staple pieces that are good quality, timeless, and feel true to you. Maternity clothes are exciting, and we hold space for wherever you’re at in your journey of accepting your new and changing bodies.
For some women, they have spent their whole life waiting and dreaming of being pregnant, and so they are simply chomping at the bit to get their hands on some cute new clothes that fit their bump. The age-old debate is when is the right time to buy maternity clothes, and at the end of the day, the only person who can answer that is you! Some women prefer to wear their jeans with a rubber band in the early days, while others are ready for that maternity waistband the second things start to get uncomfy. Expectant mothers start wearing maternity clothes based on their own preferences. In all reality, every pregnant body is different and based on height, weight, and body type you may carry completely different than someone who is the exact same amount of weeks pregnant as you. There’s a good chance you are starting to show at the beginning of your second trimester. Many experts give a range of 16-20 weeks as a time when they expect to see more of a bump in pregnant women. Trina Pagano, an OBGYN, explains this by saying “At 20 weeks, the uterus is typically at the level of the navel, so many women begin to show at this point, but there is variability depending on the mother’s height and body type, weight gain, number of babies in utero and if it’s a first pregnancy. For first pregnancies, the bump typically ‘pops’ a little later than in subsequent pregnancies.”
You should most likely start looking for maternity clothes when and if these signs start to occur.
- You have to unbutton your pants consistently to be comfortable
- The bottom of your baby bump is peeking out when you wear certain shorter shirts
- Your shirts are taut or don’t button comfortably
- Stretchy leggings and athleisure are the only pants that fit comfortably
- Your clothes technically “fit,” but they leave marks on you
When looking for maternity clothes make sure you’re looking for these staples.
- A nice maxi dress. Long maternity dresses are truly the way to go when it comes to fitting the bump. Not only is this style timeless, but it also equips you to grow with it as many have bump-friendly cuts. Many pregnant women complain they don’t have clothes to dress up in or feel their best anymore, so a nice long maternity dress can help solve this dilemma.
- A quality pair of jeans. Not all maternity jeans are created, let’s make that clear. Splurging a little bit on a good pair of pants is ultimately so worth it at the end when your other pants don’t fit at all in the third trimester. Especially if you are pregnant in the winter, maternity jeans in your favorite cut are a must.
- A good pair of leggings. Many women find that even their stretchiest leggings don’t do the trick by the end of their second trimester. Workout leggings tend to compress, and that is not the vibe when your stomach is expanding. Finding a nice pair of leggings makes all the difference.
- Longer, flowy shirts. Let’s be real, no one wants their belly poking out. Finding shirts that are staples and bump-friendly is the ultimate life hack. If you find one you like, buy it in multiple colors. Black, grey, and white are great places to start and can be styled in different ways.