Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which character appears in the upper right corner during the opening credits of the Brady Bunch?“
On this day in 1969, television audiences heard the soon-to-be-famous opening lyrics “Here’s the story of a lovely lady. Who was bringing up three very lovely girls…” as The Brady Bunch aired for the very first time. The cast of The Brady Bunch appears in the opening title sequence in which video head shots are arranged in a three-by-three grid, with each cast member appearing to look at the other cast members. Greg Brady, played by Barry Williams appears in the upper right hand corner of the opening credits.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which character appears in the upper right corner during the opening credits of the Brady Bunch?“
On this day in 1969, television audiences heard the soon-to-be-famous opening lyrics “Here’s the story of a lovely lady. Who was bringing up three very lovely girls…” as The Brady Bunch aired for the very first time. The cast of The Brady Bunch appears in the opening title sequence in which video head shots are arranged in a three-by-three grid, with each cast member appearing to look at the other cast members. Greg Brady, played by Barry Williams appears in the upper right hand corner of the opening credits.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question “Which character appears in the upper right corner during the opening credits of the Brady Bunch?“
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