Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which one of the four railroads in Monopoly was not a real railroad?“
The railroads in the game of Monopoly are the Pennsylvania Railroad, Reading Railroad, B & O Railroad, and Short Line. Of these four monopoly properties, only three of them were real railroads. Short Line was not a real railroad. The Short Line was named after the Shore Fast Line, a streetcar line rather than a railroad. Charles and Olive Todd, who taught the game to Charles Darrow, its eventual patentee, shortened the name on their board to Short Line. The B & O, Pennsylvania, and Reading railroads were real railroads that operated on the East Coast, although B & O did not actually serve Atlantic City.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which one of the four railroads in Monopoly was not a real railroad?“
Short Line:
The railroads in the game of Monopoly are the Pennsylvania Railroad, Reading Railroad, B & O Railroad, and Short Line. Of these four monopoly properties, only three of them were real railroads. Short Line was not a real railroad. The Short Line was named after the Shore Fast Line, a streetcar line rather than a railroad. Charles and Olive Todd, who taught the game to Charles Darrow, its eventual patentee, shortened the name on their board to Short Line. The B & O, Pennsylvania, and Reading railroads were real railroads that operated on the East Coast, although B & O did not actually serve Atlantic City.
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