Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which state’s capital comes first alphabetically?“
Albany is the state capital of New York and the first state capital in the United States alphabetically. While Albany may be New York’s capital, it certainly isn’t the largest city in New York; it is the sixth-largest. Albany is one of the oldest surviving European settlements from the original thirteen colonies and the longest continuously chartered city in the United States. The state capital of New York was permanently moved to Albany in 1797. Previously, the capital frequently shifted between Albany, Kingston, Hurley, Poughkeepsie, and the city of New York.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which state’s capital comes first alphabetically?“
New York:
Albany is the state capital of New York and the first state capital in the United States alphabetically. While Albany may be New York’s capital, it certainly isn’t the largest city in New York; it is the sixth-largest. Albany is one of the oldest surviving European settlements from the original thirteen colonies and the longest continuously chartered city in the United States. The state capital of New York was permanently moved to Albany in 1797. Previously, the capital frequently shifted between Albany, Kingston, Hurley, Poughkeepsie, and the city of New York.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question “Which state’s capital comes first alphabetically?“
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