Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which tennis player was linked to a computer virus in 2001?“
…1. Anna Kournikova 2. Arantxa Sánchez-Vicario 3. Monica Seles 4. Billie Jean King
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which tennis player was linked to a computer virus in 2001?“
Anna Kournikova – Computer viruses can take on the sneakiest of forms to infiltrate your home PC or a larger network. In 2001, a worm spread via email. This time it was cleverly hidden in a picture of popular tennis star Anna Kournikova. The worm was spread via Microsoft Outlook and came with a subject line encouraging people to look at the image. Once opened, the virus would spread to other recipients in your e-mail address book. The virus did little actual damage but spread rapidly, largely because of public curiosity about the entirely innocent Kournikova.:
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