Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which TV sitcom used a Frank Sinatra musical hit as its theme song?“
Married… with Children is a sitcom that aired for 11 seasons. The show follows the dysfunctional family of Al Bundy, a once glorious high school football player turned hard-luck women’s shoe salesman; his wife, Peggy; their attractive, dumb, and popular daughter, Kelly; and their smart, and unpopular son, Bud. Its theme song is “Love and Marriage” performed by Frank Sinatra from the 1955 television production of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. Originally broadcast from April 5, 1987 to June 9, 1997, it is the longest-lasting live-action sitcom on Fox and the first to be broadcast in the network’s primetime programming slot.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which TV sitcom used a Frank Sinatra musical hit as its theme song?“
Married… with Children:
Married… with Children is a sitcom that aired for 11 seasons. The show follows the dysfunctional family of Al Bundy, a once glorious high school football player turned hard-luck women’s shoe salesman; his wife, Peggy; their attractive, dumb, and popular daughter, Kelly; and their smart, and unpopular son, Bud. Its theme song is “Love and Marriage” performed by Frank Sinatra from the 1955 television production of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. Originally broadcast from April 5, 1987 to June 9, 1997, it is the longest-lasting live-action sitcom on Fox and the first to be broadcast in the network’s primetime programming slot.
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