Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Who appeared on the best-selling commemorative postage stamp in U.S. history?“
Elvis Presley postage stamps are the most widely publicized stamp issued in the history of the United States Postal Service and it is the top selling commemorative postage stamp of all time. The Elvis postage stamps were released by the U.S. Postal Service on January 8, 1993. The USPS printed 500 million of them, three times the usual print run for a commemorative stamp. About 124.1 million of the 1993 Elvis Presley stamps were saved by Americans, according to the post office, which does an annual survey of 10,000 households to determine which stamps are most popular.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Who appeared on the best-selling commemorative postage stamp in U.S. history?“
Elvis Presley:
Elvis Presley postage stamps are the most widely publicized stamp issued in the history of the United States Postal Service and it is the top selling commemorative postage stamp of all time. The Elvis postage stamps were released by the U.S. Postal Service on January 8, 1993. The USPS printed 500 million of them, three times the usual print run for a commemorative stamp. About 124.1 million of the 1993 Elvis Presley stamps were saved by Americans, according to the post office, which does an annual survey of 10,000 households to determine which stamps are most popular.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question “Who appeared on the best-selling commemorative postage stamp in U.S. history?“
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