Step 1 : Introduction to the question “What automaker’s logo depicts a person being killed?“
Alfa Romeo has one of the most bizarre logos of all car brands in the world. The logo incorporates two traditional symbols of its birthplace, the city of Milan: a red cross from the emblem of Milan, and the Visconti serpent. Look closely, and you’ll see what appears to be a giant serpent feasting on a man on the right hand side. The person being devoured is likely a Saracen or Moor being defeated during the Christian Crusades. The snake-eating-man symbol, also known as a “Biscione,” was the symbol for the influential Visconti family — rulers of the city of Milan from the 13th to the 15th century.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “What automaker’s logo depicts a person being killed?“
Alfa Romeo:
Alfa Romeo has one of the most bizarre logos of all car brands in the world. The logo incorporates two traditional symbols of its birthplace, the city of Milan: a red cross from the emblem of Milan, and the Visconti serpent. Look closely, and you’ll see what appears to be a giant serpent feasting on a man on the right hand side. The person being devoured is likely a Saracen or Moor being defeated during the Christian Crusades. The snake-eating-man symbol, also known as a “Biscione,” was the symbol for the influential Visconti family — rulers of the city of Milan from the 13th to the 15th century.
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