Step 1 : Introduction to the question “Which of the three chipmunks wears glasses?“
The Chipmunks are an animated virtual band created by Ross Bagdasarian Sr. for a novelty record in 1958. The group consists of three singing animated anthropomorphic chipmunks: Alvin, the mischievous troublemaker; Simon, the tall, intellectual that wears glasses; and Theodore, the chubby, shy one. The voices of the group were all performed by Bagdasarian, who sped up the playback to create high-pitched squeaky voices. The Chipmunks have become the most successful children’s artists of all time while garnering two number-one singles and five Grammy Awards.
Step 2 : Answer to the question “Which of the three chipmunks wears glasses?“
The Chipmunks are an animated virtual band created by Ross Bagdasarian Sr. for a novelty record in 1958. The group consists of three singing animated anthropomorphic chipmunks: Alvin, the mischievous troublemaker; Simon, the tall, intellectual that wears glasses; and Theodore, the chubby, shy one. The voices of the group were all performed by Bagdasarian, who sped up the playback to create high-pitched squeaky voices. The Chipmunks have become the most successful children’s artists of all time while garnering two number-one singles and five Grammy Awards.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question “Which of the three chipmunks wears glasses?“
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